What really have changed?

Ah... It’s One Month in United states and everything is set now, Sitting in my apartment and thinking what really have changed after coming here,.. Seems to be like life style isn’t changed much, living at a place where there are all Indians around doesn’t make you realize that you live in a foreign country,

Here you can get everything what you want (Indian stuff), also there are lot of Indian restaurants around. Celebrating Indian festivals going to temple all can be done here. It’s just like living in a different city from your home town in India, where you have to cook your own food, wash your clothes and do all house hold management stuff.

It seems like everything is same, but NO some things are not same..

Class culture is a bit different, having a coke (and sometime whole meal) in class while teacher is teaching is very Normal here. You don’t have to dress nicely to sit in class; you can wear anything which comforts you.I cant roam around city on a Bike with earphones plugged in my ears , seeing a bike here is a rare thing. You won’t find Tapri’s around the road side, where I can chit chat with my friend with cups of tea. You won’t see any pani puri stalls, where you can have keep eating unlimited stuffs.

Many things around here is Not same and it really cannot be,, after all home is where the heart is


  1. hey happy to hear this from u...after all home is home but now India is everywhere..so life is not that much difficult...

    Thanks for sharing your views and keep posting
    Take care


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