How website get listed when you search your Query in Google Search Engine. The topic on which I am writing is a bit Esoteric, the person who deals with the building of Search Engine, or the person involved in the Search Engine Optimization can better explain this, but to my knowledge I will try my best to explain what are the Factors which decide which website will be listed first and so on, when you enter your Query in Search Engine. Whenever a normal user of Google Search Engine Enter his Query in Search Engine, he would barely give a thought on how and from where these results are coming, to explain this, I would place the matter of facts on roster. 1. The Search Engine works in three Steps Web Crawling, Indexing and Searching. 2. Web Crawling à Web Crawling is he method in which the robots(automatic source codes) of Google crawls the web for the new links of websites or Web Pages and if they find any new link they store them in their database. 3....
Showing posts from June, 2009
Just Google It !!!
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- Other Apps

Google the name is sufficent to describe it power in the Web world.There would be hardly any person left on the Earth who surfs on the internet and dont use Google or the applications of Google. The applications of google are increasing day by day as diligent Enggineers are working over several projects in Google labs,from orkut,gmail,adsense,analytics,earth,maps and many more its influncing life of many people.Each application provided by google is consummate.The Influnce of Google is such immense in the life of people , Sometimes even i wonder if i could search my things lost in the room,on Google :) Here i am listing some of the applications provided by Google, try thm if you have not tried,and you will soon realize the power of Google. General Applications 1. Google Search Engine ;- Well you must have heard, Google have got more answers than God. 2. Orkut -> Social Networking Community, u all must be familiar with it. 3. Gmail -> Fastest online mailing Service i ...