The End of four and half year relationship

I still remember the first time we met, I knew its going to be a special relationship with you at that moment itself. Its been a long four and half years we were together. We have seen many ups and downs together. I am really thankful for all these wonderful years. It all started during my Master’s degree, you supported me in all the assignments and exams through out. Although it was all not smooth we had few problem’s too. I remember the time when you got angry and decided to crash your hard disk erasing all the memories we had together, once you stopped your display; hindering me to see whats going on with you. But still I never lost the faith in the relationship and provided you with the best I could. We have listened to tons of songs together, watched unlimited movies and of course surfed hours of internet together. You taught me how to cook, how to code and to how to live. You were the first one I looked after waking up and you were with me in bed every night. There were...