Some Unsolved Absurd Mystery’s Of My Mind

Well Moving from Technical to Philosophical Post, Here I would like to share some Mystery of My Mind, thinking of which has become a Obsession For me, 1. The First and the most crucial Question I think about continuously is that who made this World..this universe this Whole Galaxy, well the first answer comes to my mind is a Super-Natural Power(God) created all this, the moment my Mind is Quenched by this idea, the another Question Start Raising .. Who made God?/ and From where that Supernatural power Got Originated. This is where my mind Goes Blank….. 2. If God created this world and all this creature.what was the purpose of all this? I don’t understand Why I have to Get up Each Morning and Fight to Survive the Competition of this World, with what purpose I am sent to this Earth? We get birth, we live and We Die. Whats the Motive Behind all this?? 3. The Theory of Right and Wrong, Yes I do believe that the person who does wrong gets wrong for his w...